Our Story

clint-video-graphicFrom High School FFA to Cattle Rancher

Clint Victorine, a native of the Eel River Valley in Northern California, found his passion in raising cattle in high school as a member of Future Farmers Of America (FFA). He went on to Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA where he majored in Ag Business. After graduation in 1996, he pursued his dream of earning a living raising cattle.

Making the Move to 100% Certified Organic

Victorine Livestock began with one commercial cow calf and stocker cattle operation. It was a slow start. Then in 2000, Eel River Brewing Company asked Clint to finish some cattle on local grass for the brewery’s grill menu. As the brewery grew, the owner decided to go organic, and he convinced Clint that organic would be the right move for him also. Clint could see there was growing market for healthier beef from cattle raised in a more natural way, along with a growing demand for organic food.

As time went on, Clint met with independent ranchers in the Eel River Valley to see if they would be interested in raising their cattle organically. Bill Branstetter was the first to work with Clint in what was considered by many ranchers to be a risky venture. The risk paid off and other ranchers followed Branstetter’s lead, raising cattle organically and exclusively for Eel River Organic Beef.

This alliance of small, independent family ranches makes Eel River Organic Beef the unique company it is today. We remain a small family-run operation in Humboldt County, California. Victorine says, “We’re proud of this pristine country and work hard to do our part to ensure that everything we do benefits the environment as well as the health of our animals and our customers.”

P1010234We Are Non-GMO

As a 100% certified organic product, Eel River Organic Beef is Non-GMO and we embrace full GMO transparency. Organic standards prohibit the use of GMOs, and all of our ranchers have been certified organic by California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF).

Our Beef Is 100% Traceable

Because our cattle are carefully raised by independent ranchers, our beef is 100% traceable back to the ranch and the animal. CCOF’s strict standards require that all cattle remain and graze on certified pastures, and are not given any antibiotics, growth hormones, feed additives or animal by-products. We adhere to each and every guideline as set forth by CCOF and the USDA National Organic Programs.

Grass-Fed and Grass-Finished

Our cattle graze on approximately 50,000 acres in and around the beautiful Eel River Valley in Humboldt County of Northern California. Located in the remote North West corner of California, the Eel River Valley is surrounded by lush green sub-irrigated pastures and giant Redwood trees. Because of our mild climate with an average yearly temp of 54 degrees F and average rainfall of 38 inches per year, our grass-fed beef graze on green pastures year round.

Our cattle are always given plenty of open space, fresh air, and clean water. Unlike conventional cattle and even many organic cattle, our cattle remain on certified organic grassy pastures their entire life, never going to feedlots for finishing. We have found that by allowing the cattle plenty of room to roam, an abundance of fresh clover and rye grass to graze on, and by keeping stress to a minimum, our animals are naturally healthy.

By setting these high standards, we can ensure that our customers are receiving the highest quality, healthiest grass-fed, grass-finished product that is a pleasure to eat. Enjoy the rich, hearty flavor of our organic steaks, roasts, ribs and ground beef. Find a Store

Miles to Market Fresh

Our cattle are processed locally by Redwood Meat Company, a small family-owned and operated organic facility in our area. We work hard to get our products to you from grassland to market with minimal impact on the environment—with as few “miles to market” as possible. Our beef doesn’t come from the Midwest, Australia or South America. It is raised and finished right here on the West Coast,which means no long distance transport stress on the animals or unnecessary use of fuel.

Our beef is organic, delicious, naturally healthy and a product of the USA.

“To your health and to our environment!”—Clint Victorine